I'm Jammy, a programmer and video editor. Welcome to my blog!
Published on 20th March 2020
Hello. It's been... a tough few months, shall we call it? I'm currently nearing the end of my Computer Science degree, and so I've been spending quite a bit of time working on the various modules I have this semester. Incidentally, my exams this January went reasonably well! Less related...
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2019: A Year in Review
Published on 23rd December 2019
Wow... this crept up on me a bit. It's December, yet again, and so it's time for me to write a blog post going over what on Earth it is I did this year. If you're interested in reading previous years' posts, then you can do so here: 2016, 2017,...
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Published on 29th July 2019
Gosh, it's been a while, hasn't it? It's been a busy half a year for me, so far. I had my end-of-semester exams in January and February, and then after that was straight back into the second semester. Between coursework, mentoring sessions and revision for exams, it's been quite full...
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2018: A Year in Review
Published on 23rd December 2018
It's the part of the year where people are staying inside with more layers of clothes on, where families will inevitably argue over board games, and where I haven't bothered to avoid that song (mostly because I lost the Pogues game on the 2nd...). It's also the day of the...
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A Jammy's Journey in London
Published on 30th July 2018
This has been a great weekend. It was my first time visiting London, and I went to attend a meetup with the community I'm a part of (the Noxsquad, who are people that are fans/friends of the Noxcrew, and RASA Studios, a subset of the Noxsquad that make the gameshow...
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